Basket FAQs

What are the baskets made from? All of my baskets are woven out of willow. I grow my own willow to incorporate as much as possible into my work, but occasionally I will buy in willow from small scale grower-friends in Iowa and Canada.

Are they dyed or finished with a varnish/oil? No. The colors and sheen you see on these baskets are just the natural willow coming through. If you plan on keeping your basket or garden support outdoors, you may want to brush on a natural oil finish such as linseed, tung oil, etc.

What is proper maintenance for these baskets? You don’t need much to maintain your willow baskets. Mindful use will keep your basket in good shape for a long time. Once or twice a year, simply give it a good spray with cool to warm water to clean it. If the basket gets dirty, you can spray with warm water, or use a very small amount of dish soap to clean sticky messes. Always let baskets dry fully in a well ventilated space.

Do your do repair work? Sometimes. If you have a basket in need of repair, just contact me with a picture of the basket and I will let you know. I will only repair willow baskets and sadly, mass-marketed baskets these days are often not made of willow or are not strong enough to handle a repair job.

What if a basket I bought from you becomes damaged? I try to weave baskets that will last a lifetime, or longer! If you’ve purchased a basket from me and it becomes loose or damaged in any way that is repairable, I will repair it free of charge, no worries. Just contact me and let me know. If you’ve purchased a willow plant support, obelisk, or have left your basket outdoors for long periods of time, please understand that natural weathering will occur and willow left outdoors has a lifespan of 3-5 years, longer if coated with a natural finishing oil every year.

Willow FAQs

Do you sell live willow cuttings (for propogation)? At this time I do not sell cuttings, but look for cuttings to be offered for spring 2020!

Do you sell dried willow (for weaving)? At this time I do not sell dried willow. My willow patch is rather small, but I am planning on expanding and I expect I may start selling sometime in the future.